I'm Natalie - thank you for taking the time to check out my website.
I'm a graphic designer working in Sydney, Australia. I've been a designer now for over 10 years with a specialty in print design, but there's really very few areas of design I haven't had to tackle over my career.
I love, love love, stories - movies, books and plays. Making stories come to life with design is literally the most fun way to work in design. My favourite things to play with are photo manipulation, compositing, illustration, surface pattern design and typography. These, combined with my print design experience is the perfect marriage of skills for creating book cover designs.
The universe has a very interesting way of leading us to where we really need to be - don't you think?
Well, it's lead you to me, so why don't we have a chat about your story!
You can check out my other websites below if you'd like to get more of an idea about my design style and capabilities.